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If my Farm Directory listing was removed, can I get it back?


Unfortunately a "Farm Directory Listing" isn't really an "ad" like our classifieds...its more information about your services tied to your account.   There is no way to retrieve it once removed...you'll have to login to your account and ad your Farm Directory information back in.  In your account dashboard, in the left menu toward the bottom, there is a link to Edit Your Farm Directory Listing. You'll need to click it and fill out your current information.  Also, you can put an ad in our Services directory if you'd like.  In your account area, in the left menu under Your Ads, click Services.  Then to the right you'll see a link to Place a new Ad.  This Services ad will be in addition to your Farm Directory listing.

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Article details

Article ID: 37

Category: How To

Date added: 2018-11-16 19:20:39

Views: 2405

Rating (Votes): Article rated 1.8/5.0 (117)

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